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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stop Praying

Does God ever become too familiar to you? In Chapter one of "Crazy Love" Chan challenges us to take a good look at God for who He really is before rushing into worship or any half-hearted prayer. Many times we get so caught up in the haste of life we forget to give God appropriate admiration.  How often do you just sit in wonder of the majesty of God? Do you ever feel paralyzed by the insignificance of us compared to this awesome God? Before you finish reading this post take a couple minutes to watch the “Awe Factor” – it'll helps put things in perspective. If you can't see the video below, go to >  videos>  Awe Factor

Isn’t that incredible? After I saw that video I felt so frail and weak, yet in such awe that there is a God that created all of that. So often I rush into a robotic prayer of apathy that I clearly wouldn’t pray if I truly understood the magnificence of God. Why is there such a disconnect there? Why are we so apathetic toward God oftentimes? 

I believe it's because we don’t have a correct view of God. We start to feel self sufficient, God gets smaller, and we get bigger. Consequently we have no need of God to help us through our day –or so we think. We forget how incredibly helpless and needy we really are. Spiritual amnesia is flaring up again.

 When the things of this world distract of from God, we need a reality check. I don't know about anyone else, but I need a reality check everyday. We need to deliberately remind ourselves of His glory each time we pray.

Next time you start to pray, stop. Think about who you are praying to, and the kind of worship and reverence He deserves. For more about God's glory, check out Revelation 4


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