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Friday, October 23, 2009

Life is short; don't waste it (on yourself)

A couple of years ago, I sat down, looked at my life and thought to myself “I’ve been on this earth for 18 years, but what have I done for Christ? What have I done to bring Him glory?” Sadly, I came to the conclusion that the majority of my life had been summed up with, my wants, my desires, my plans. In chapter 2 Francis reminds us of how short our lives really are. The short, finite, period of time here on this earth is time that we should use to invest in eternity. (Matthew 6:19) (If you can't see the video below just Google "Francis Chan Balance beam")

What have you done in your life that’s counted for God’s glory?  If you were to sum up your life up until now what would it consist of? Just kind of going with the flow, having fun, enjoying life? Maybe you live for the next big thing. Or maybe you don’t really know what you’re living for; you just want to finish college, get married, find a good job, live comfortably in the suburbs with obedient children and take a nice vacation every couple of years. If that’s all you’re striving for, I’m sorry, but you’re wasting your life.

Matthew 10:38-29 “And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Life is short, don’t waste it (on yourself)


James said...

Great topic. Kind of a stop and reflect. Good Job!

Nate Stevens said...

This is a good post man. I liked how you had a story in text and an example in video. Way to bring different tools to the table.

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